St. Andrew Parish was established in June of 2010 as a consolidation of three former parishes: St. Patrick, St. Boniface, and Holy Rosary, using the St Patrick church building as the worship site of the new parish.
St. Boniface Parish, on Blackman Street, was founded in 1896 by Bavarian immigrants and a parish school opened in 1913, with the Sisters of Chrstian Charity. The parish closed June 6, 2010.
St. Patrick Parish at the present address was founded in 1921 as a territorial parish and the upper church dedicated in 1930. It officially ceased to exist as a parish in June 2010, with the new St. Andrew parish utilizing the St. Patrick Church building as its parish church.
Holy Rosary Parish on Park Avenue was founded in 1906 by Italian immigrants and closed June 13, 2010.
Sacramental records for all three parishes are maintained at St. Andrew Parish.